

Keynote - Global Rates and its Implications for Emerging Markets

04:00 - 04:30 PM

Salón Kennedy

Keynote - Global Rates and its Implications for Emerging Markets

04:00 - 04:30 PM

Salón Kennedy

Keynote - Global Rates and its Implications for Emerging Markets

04:00 - 04:30 PM

Salón Kennedy

Damian Sassower

Chief Emerging Markets Fixed Income Strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence

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Damian Sassower

Chief Emerging Markets Fixed Income Strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence

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Damian Sassower

Chief Emerging Markets Fixed Income Strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence

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Damian Sassower is the chief emerging markets fixed income strategist for Bloomberg Intelligence specializing in emerging market sovereign and corporate credit. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Damian was a managing director at Altree Financial, where he oversaw institutional emerging market credit and equity funds as a member of the investment committee. He has almost two decades of investment experience, with buy and sell-side positions at Citigroup, Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs. Damian earned his MBA in finance from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University and bachelor’s in economics from Vanderbilt University.


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About the organizer

Xolver is a consulting firm and BPO provider in the Dominican Republic specializing in BPO Finance and accounting Tax advice and compliance Human Resources and payroll services Standardization and implementation of processes Loan Staff Service Economic Consulting Financial Consulting Mergers and Acquisitions and Valuation Services. The firm recently opened a Capital Markets division from which this event is born.

Xolver © 2023 Xolver. All Rights Reserved. Design by Blair.

About the organizer

Xolver is a consulting firm and BPO provider in the Dominican Republic specializing in BPO Finance and accounting Tax advice and compliance Human Resources and payroll services Standardization and implementation of processes Loan Staff Service Economic Consulting Financial Consulting Mergers and Acquisitions and Valuation Services. The firm recently opened a Capital Markets division from which this event is born.

Xolver © 2023 Xolver. All Rights Reserved.

Design by Blair.

About the organizer

Xolver is a consulting firm and BPO provider in the Dominican Republic specializing in BPO Finance and accounting Tax advice and compliance Human Resources and payroll services Standardization and implementation of processes Loan Staff Service Economic Consulting Financial Consulting Mergers and Acquisitions and Valuation Services. The firm recently opened a Capital Markets division from which this event is born.

Xolver © 2023 Xolver. All Rights Reserved. Design by Blair.